
Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 17 - Three Clothespin Kings

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This is Day 17 of our Christmas Miniature Marathon. If you want, you can start out with Day 1 and Shrink Your favorite Book.
I thought I would share some Christmas nativity figures we made from clothespins. This is a really fun project because your skill level is not important. You can involve your children, like we did, and make a very adorable homemade looking group of figures or you could make very sophisticated and elaborate ones.
What you need is wooden clothespins and stands. The stands are really helpful because when you try to stand them up using clay or makeshift solutions they tend to be really wobbly. A packet of wooden clothespin stands is usually found at the craft store next to the clothespins and it is worth a few dollars to buy them. Then you need to paint your figures. Since the Three Kings are from the Orient I felt like we had a lot of leeway in skin colors.  My kings are beige and tan and peach. Their beards are shreds of cotton balls. I drew on simple faces with marker pen. Their hats are an acorn, a bottle cap with a button on top and a gold pipe cleaner. Their clothing is different shiny and exotic looking fabric scrapes.
The kings bear their gifts in a thimble, a button and a toothpaste lid covered in tissue paper. For the frankincense I used some amber beads. For the gold I used a bit of yellow play dough. The myrrh is represented by some coriander seeds. Obviously you can have a lot of fun dressing the kings and furnishing them with the proper gifts.

Check back tomorrow for Day 18, our tiny angel tree topper!

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