
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Doctor Watson's Desk

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I have spent my entire life reading and rereading mysteries.  Agatha Christie, Raymond Chandler, Wilkie Collins, etc. For some odd reason I managed to reach the ripe age of 42 without ever reading a single Sherlock Holmes mystery.

This summer I made up for lost time by reading the complete Sherlock Holmes Volume 1 and 2.  As I read these wonderful stories and short novels I  observed that Arthur Conan Doyle provides really specific details about the furnishings of  221 B. Baker Street. I started to think that some day it would be fun to make my own miniature sitting room.

As I started to collect a long list of what should be in Holmes' home I realized that I was sort of reinventing the wheel. There are many beautiful and amazing Sherlock Holmes dioramas available to inspire you all over the internet. There are even museums located around the world where the room is replicated in life size detail. Pictures of these rooms can provide the Sherlockian dollhouse hobbyist with lots of good ideas. It would appear that many older men embark upon their retirement on lovingly recreating Baker Street and create websites to document their meticulous progress. You can even locate a detailed floor plan of Holmes' dwelling. I decided to delay my creation of the entire apartment because, well, maybe I should wait till I retire and can devote a few years to the subject. Instead I started small with just a corner of the sitting room where you can find  Doctor Watson's desk and book shelf.
 I had a lot of fun making this little room. I am already thinking about Ms. Marple's parlor, Captain Nemo's library, the wardrobe from Narnia and other literary dollhouses. Hopefully this room will inspire you to pay tribute to your own favorite literary character, even if it does not happen to be Doctor Watson.

Watson and Holmes always have lots of newspapers scattered around. This one contains an article about "A Fearful East-end Calamity" which occurred at the Forest Gate Pauper School.

Every fan knows Watson has two portraits: one framed and one unframed.

Bradshaw's Railway Guide helps Watson plan his travels. The elephant came from his time in India. There is a shelf for his pipe and accessories. Rolled up map shows the territory from the Battle of Maiwand, where Watson was injured. Large green scrapbook contains family portraits, a card from the Diogenes Club and pictures of his rugby team and colleges.

Revolver located in desk drawer. Doctor bag at the ready. Umbrella and cane hanging on back of chair. Watson is ready to drop everything at a moment's notice and dash off to help. What is the key for? Perhaps the famous tin dispatch case located at the bank, containing  the most sensitive cases.

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